Committee Meeting Minutes- 5th August 2020

1. Attendance : Carol Pritchard (Chair), Pat Dobner, Thomas Dobner, Hilary Wilson, Jill Wyatt (via Skype) and Lynne West. Apologies: Lyndsey Surkitt and Tiffany Holt

2. Minutes of meeting 11th March: accepted as a true record

Matters arising not on agenda:

a)Bank account: now open-£40.02balance

b)Toilets: Carol summarised the latest position, but stressed that the Village Hall committee were not fully in the loop. The Highland Council and F.A.G.C. Council are working together on a bid to the Rural Infrastructure fund to upgrade the toilet system at the Hall, with the outcome to be known by December. Details of the plans and on-going agreements on the upkeep are not yet known. The outcome of a Highland Council application to itself for portaloos in the car park as an interim measure was not yet known either.

Action: Secretary to write via FAGC Council representatives to express on-going concern at lack of toilets now that tourists are returning in force and to request an update.

c)Car park charges: Nothing more has been heard yet and consultations have paused during COVID outbreak

3. Response from FAGC Company to GIG funding bid

The Company has offered £900to set up and maintain a Glenmoriston website; £975 for bench and ground improvementsat the War Memorial; has offered tomount a First Aid course in the Village in November free to residents and ;has invited a fully costed application for the Glenmoriston Beastie Trail. Conditions are attached and these were discussed (risk assessments, land-owner approvals). We are very pleased with this outcome and expressed our thanks to the FAGC Company.

4. Review and action amendment to constitution

One of the conditions of the above was an amendment to our constitution to include Extra-ordinary meetings. An amendment was agreed and signed, showing that the references to Special meetings included E.G.Ms.               

5. Website

Thomas attended the meeting to discuss this item. He advised using linked domain names of and, so that the whole of the GIG catchment area was included, but so that visitors outside the area would easily find the more commonly referenced Invermoriston. This would only cost £10 more and would involve very little effort to combine the sites. The group discussed content and links: Donald MacDonald would be asked for agreement to link to his excellent record of history and heritage at (Action : Carol to speak to him). Other links would be to local businesses, the Great Glen Way, Millennium Hall, Dalchreichart Hub, FAGC Council, FAGC Company,3 Glens Resilience group, Places to visit, our GIG meeting agenda and minutes and a forum for local discussions. The group were urged to send Thomas contributions, including photographs. Admin rights would be shared so that we could all help to ensure current/upcoming activities are posted.

A target of November was agreed to have the website ready to launch (Action: Thomas)

6. Christmas lights

Hilary had given this considerable thought, and has researched outlets for Christmas lights, though she regretted that COVID restrictions had interfered with consultation. Sites were discussed and favoured: a tableau on the corner by Olympic torch, Glenmoriston Arms Oak Tree, Millennium Hall gables, Peachie Ness and the ‘garden’ near the Hall. Access to electricity would be from the Millennium Hall or the lighting box near the corner. Hilary suggested using sculptures (perhaps mirroring the viewcatcher on the Great Glen Way) which would be permanent art pieces in the village and could double as Christmas lights frames. The group agreed this is an excellent idea, but may not be possible for 2020.

Local children had suggested deer, snowmen, candy canes and coloured lights. It was agreed that white icicles would look attractive on the Village Hall gables.

ACTION: Hilary and Carol to work together to provide a list to Karen at FAGCC and to consult as far as possible. Group of those interested to meet at Glenmoriston Arms to see if the Hotel could be involved (Hilary/Carol to set date)

7. War Memorial

Pat has obtained 3 quotes for the bench: a Northern Ireland Company, G.D. Steele, offered the best price and it was agreed to progress with them (following a check that the new forge in Inverness could not offer a better price (Action: Pat). A design of soldiers, maybe a Piper, Poppies and thistles was mooted, on Galvanised steel to remove need for maintenance. Ground locks and a solid base would also be needed.

Pat has contacted Alf Leslie, the Highland Council officer responsible for War Memorials and he has given his blessing. The outstanding question is who owns the land beyond the curtilage of the memorial itself. (Action :Pat to establish ownership and liaise with owner (? Estate) on permission to put down chippings or hard standing. Carol and Pat to carry out a risk assessment to send to FAGCCompany prior to release of funds)

8. Beastie Trail           

FAGC Company had invited a new bid (exceptionally, this financial year), once owner permissions in writing had been obtained, risk assessments, liability for signs and benches and current prices were sorted out. The group agreed that the viewing of the old Pierfrom the new Pumping stationwas not safe given its place on a bendin the A82. An alternative had been suggested by Glenmoriston Estate: they already have planning permission to develop new moorings and car park on the South side of the River, from their current gated access point, and the trail could include forming a chippings path to the Lochsidefrom which the Pier and a lovely view down Loch Ness could be seen. It was agreed the new bid should include the creation of this path.

(Action: Lynne to chase owner agreements, carry out risk assessments and look into liability insurance. Draft content of trail leafletto be checked with locals as far as possible. New bid to be sent in in December round)

9. Liaison with Glenmoriston Estate

Lynne had met with Steven Grey, the Estate Manager/Factor to discuss the Beastie Trail. He expressed a wish to work with the community and to be invited to meetings to explore more areas of joint working. He was aware of complaints from the village and hoped that individuals would feel they could approach him directly to see if compromises or solutions could be found. The EstateOffice phone, 351300, could be used to leave messages for him. The group agreed that co-operation between the Estate and local people would benefit both.           

10. Future projects         

a) Playing Field. Carol intends to ask the community what use they would like to see for the recreation field. Suggestions include a much bigger, better, safer children’s playground with small car park, Community garden/orchard/plant tunnel, Adult exercise area, 5-a-side or shinty pitch- but consultation will bring up other ideas. This was noted as a major project, subject to special SSE agreement if it is to be funded from FAGCCompany. Carol aims for Spring 2021 to start off this project.

b) Traffic related concerns.

There are three: Redburn, dangerous parking on A887

                                Access for pedestrians to the Cemetery                –a path is needed            

                                 Pedestrian crossing for A82.

These are the remit of the Community Council, so GIG’s role will be to ensure these concerns are brought to them and pursued.

11.Other business          

Trees for Life are consulting on what the community would like it to offer at its Rewilding Centre/Gaelic resource centre. Carol is meeting Ceit on Thursday. Liaison between GIG and Trees for Life is encouraged.                                                                                                                             12. Next meeting.           Agreed Weds 4thNovember, 7.00pm. Venue to be agreed, possibly Glen Rowan Cafe     It is hoped that by this time the meeting can be open to those outside the committee.

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